As a single mother I knew there would be things that I would not be able to teach my sons. These are things that can only be taught by a male. Seriously, I thought that those days were far off until my sons were nearing their teenage years. Little did I know that some lessons were to be learned before the age of six. The first lesson being the dreaded toilet seat in the bathroom. During potty training the boys learned to sit down when they needed to do their business. My oldest son started school and found that all the boys stand up when they use the bathroom. So wanting to fit in he started standing. My youngest son seeing this decided that he wanted to stand too. Since we moved in October they now have their own bathroom so no big deal for me because I don’t have to worry about falling into the toilet or sitting on a wet seat. Unfortunately, I did not take into account the aim factor. Cleaning the house this weekend I had to complete that horrible chore of scrubbing toilets. Now me and Katelyn’s bathroom not so bad. Sweep the floors, clean off the counters, scrub the tubs and it sparkles. But walking into the boys’ bathroom it was something out of a horror film. I remembered the scene from the movie Daddy Day Care where Eddie Murphy’s character goes into the bathroom after one of the boys and he is horrified by what the little boy left for him to clean. That was me! My face was probably worth a thousand words. I could not figure out where to begin. Dis-gus-ting!! The walls, the base boards, the floors, the trashcan, the seat cover….you name it they got it! I threw on the yellow gloves, grabbed the bleach, spic-n-span, scrub brush and any other chemical that happen to be near and went to work. So the new rule in the house is I don’t care what you do at school but in this house you SIT! No standing over the toilet seat unless you want to clean up the mess. I am sure this is nothing new for mothers with sons but it was an experience I will soon never forget.
I so feel for you!